About us

We – that's Sarah, Rody, Maxi and Leo – met in Hamburg, Germany and have been working together for 3 years. At the end of 2023, we founded Amberdive Interactive. Together with freelancers we are developing two co-op games: Replicore and Brick Buddies. We love playing and making games that focus on working together and making everyone feel included and part of a successful team.

Sarah Inés Roeder

Concept Art

Rody Nawezi

Programming & VFX

Maximilian Götz

CEO & Lead Programming

Leonhard Gläser

3D Art & Level Design

Eva Sophie Cringle

Freelancer | 3D Character Art

Dorian Behner

Freelancer | Music

Soran Heße

Freelancer | Animation

Paul Timmich

Freelancer | Music